1:1 Freedom & Spiritual Coaching

Business Coach For Women, Business Coach For Female Entrepreneurs, Best Female Business Coach, Mindset Coach For Female Entrepreneurs, Life And Business Coach For Women

More space for spirituality, presence and living

If you are tired of feeling exhausted by life, like no matter how hard you try, you are still struggling to connect with a sense of ease, time for spirituality and wellness, then you are in the right place.

You’re ready for time freedom, financial freedom and to overcome burnout once and for all

I support women that are spiritual, hardworking and successful to finally connect with a life that feels easy - while still making the money they desire. You have made it - you have ticked all the boxes and things are great. But you are still constantly tired, depleted and you are not present in your relationships. You still struggle to be kind to and engaged with your kids, you feel like your partnership is constantly on the edge of destruction and you just want to not feel drained in your career anymore. Not to mention, there is no time left at the end of the day for you to think about being healthy. You know you are burned out and you see no end in sight. I get it. I have been there and I am here to support you.

Mindset And Accountability Coach, Ladies Business Coaching, Holistic Business Coach, Divine Feminine Business Coach, Divine Feminine Coaching, Divine Feminine Life Coach, Women's Relationship Coaching

1:1 Embodied Life & Business/Career Coaching

My embodied business coaching process is a totally unique formula for growth that shows you exactly how to magnetize the life and internal state you long for. I use a combination of inner child work, guided imagery and somatic work along with dancing, coaching and laughter to help you break through blocks and reach your goals. After 10 years in the field of psychotherapy (EMDR, Sensorimotor level 2, Art Therapy and Brene Brown trained), I started coaching so I could escape the limitations of the psychotherapy world and support my clients to achieve more efficient and powerful transformations.

My background as a licensed psychotherapist informs much of my work with clients, but as a coach, I can directly name your blindspots and give you the integrative homework needed for you to truly heal and thrive. I also draw on my personal growth journey and support you in seeing the potential of living well beyond what you can imagine for yourself. I believe healing and expansion happens body-to-body, you cannot learn from your healer what they have not yet learned and embodied themselves.

Finally, I only take up to 4 clients at a time so I can truly focus my energy on your healing. As an owner of a 20+ person psychotherapy practice, my time is precious and I carve it out only for those that are an excellent fit.

Does this sound like you?

  • You want to continue your successful career, but drop the burnout

  • Your body is telling you that you can no longer live like this - depleted

  • You’re ready to evolve into a life of ease

You’re ready to escape from the culture of hustle and never-ending to-do lists. You are ready to more fully trust and tap into your feminine energy, creativity and spiritual flow.


This partnership is for you if…

  • You’re ready to dive into this season of transformation and want to move through the fears, doubts, and anxiety that have been holding you back

  • You consider yourself a compassionate, empathetic person who has the gifts of generosity, trust, forgiveness and love

  • You know you are a wildly spiritual and strong woman and know that you aren’t tapping into your full spiritual and creative potential

  • You want an intensive, individualized approach guided by someone who has already done this personal and business work, so you can move as quickly and as easily as possible

  • You’re seeking a true partnership with someone who will guide you every step of the way

  • You’re excited to fully invest and challenge yourself to get the results you long for

What working together looks like:

I work with clients in a two month container with an option to continue month-to-month. I take no more than 4 clients at a time.

Currently, my waitlist is about 3 months out.

In our 2 month-long package, you and I will meet once every other week for 60 minutes. You will also have access to connect with me over slack in between meetings and you will have lifetime access to my coursework (focused on understanding your psychology and the embodiment of power and expansiveness as a woman).

During our time together, you will experience powerful, deep and very efficient transformations. This work is meant only for women who are ready to take big leaps and make big changes in their lives.

My fees are non-negotiable at $1,000 per month. Payment plans available.

If you’re feeling called to learn more, apply below! *If your application is accepted, you will receive a free discovery call to get clear on what is holding you back from being the version of you and what you can do about it*