5 Limiting Money Beliefs Getting in the Way of Easy Financial Abundance

One of the first questions I ask new clients is what would it look like if you could have the life that you wanted. And quite consistently I find women voice similar blocks to having easy and abundance financial flow.

We struggle with embodying ease and confidence when it comes to financial abundance for two big reasons:

* We still hold in our bodies the oppression of our power by old toxic patriarchal programming

* Our current culture silently but vehemently instills some very toxic beliefs around money

Add then of course, you add onto the pile of limiting embodied beliefs any pain or limits you have inherited from your family of origin, and there you have quite a bundle of fun to sort through when trying to achieve freedom with your finances.

So here are the most common limiting beliefs around money, we as women have to sort through and how to challenge them. Consider yourself lucky, and/or proud of your hard work, if you have evaded some of these - well done. And those that are keeping you stuck, I encourage you to prioritize working through. After all, having a great relationship with money is what allows you to thrive in our culture, like it or not. And I don’t mean you have to have all the money, but you have to feel like you have enough for you and your lifestyle and you have to feel like your money is aligned with your values. Here we go:

1. It is not okay to make tons of money

I want to first begin with the fact that it is OKAY to make a good income. When you think about making a ton of money, does your body contract? Your mind may say, AWESOME - let’s make lots of money - while your body, for some reason says - NOT OKAY. Why?

Because money is tied to our sense of power in this culture and embodying our full power, in past generations as women, was dangerous.

While it is totally great to make tons of money as women these days, there is still a part of you, that may be legacy from many generations past, that may shrink or contract and keep you limited on an embodied level from being comfortable with making money. And it is still an active issue in relationship with many men, to make more than them. Their egos get triggered and even if they want to allow it on an intellectual level, their bodies (just like our bodies) struggle to embody this new possibility. I know my partner and I took about a year to work through these issues together in a conscious way when I became the breadwinner and he became the stay at home dad. Not easy.

2. I will never have enough / Once I have it, it will go away

Let’s talk about the self-fulfilling prophecy. When we have a belief, we create a reality that supports the belief. For example, if you believe you are unattractive, you are going to have a certain body language that causes people to choose not to look at you (eyes down, shameful and guarded body language). And guess what, you are going to assume that people are not looking at you because you are unattractive. When in actuality, they are not looking at you because your body language tells them not to look at you. Each of these beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies.

And each of them are also not necessarily fully conscious to you or only operating from a deeper level and not from your cognitive mind. How do you know if they are operating? Read each on aloud and you will feel a reaction in your body. This one - “I will never have enough money” - how do you feel when you read it? Do you feel like you can easily say that is not true or does your body contract, collapse, get heated, anxious or disconnected? If you have a body reaction and/or struggle to argue with the belief, then you are battling with this false belief.

These two beliefs are going to hold you back. If you have a history of deficit around money, you have to work through the belief that you will never have enough, or you will either hustle yourself into exhaustion trying to make money or shame yourself into low productivity.

And for those that are making money but fearful it will somehow just disappear - a reminder that if you found a way to make the money in the first place, you will always be able to find a way to make it again, even if it is in a different way. You have unlocked abundance and you can always restart if need be. Just remember, if you hold this belief that it will all suddenly fall apart, guess what self fulfilling prophecy you may fulfill?

3. I am not X enough to make that kind of income.

One thing I can tell you from working with 100s of women in my 15+ years of being a psychotherapist and coach is that we all have a deep sense of brokenness, some more than others depending on your temperament, the pain in your upbringing, and perhaps the baggage you are carrying from past lives. The feeling of brokenness can be about many different things we have experienced or have been told are wrong with us. Each of us has our own story about why we are less valuable. And again, you may cognitively know it is not true or you may be working on changing the cognitive belief too - but your system beyond your thoughts, may struggle to embody an awesome sense of self worth.

All of us are working on feeling worthy. And this deep struggle with worth can get in the way of your ability to receive a free flow and abundance of income. You may believe you are not smart enough, accomplished enough, well connected enough, high class enough, etc etc. It all comes down to that deep sense of self worth. These are all stories that you can release. There are many many stories of people building their income from nothing simply because they believed they could and didn’t stop until it happened.

4. I have to hustle and strategize to make tons of money.

Women, and all humans for that matter, thrive best when they choose to lead from their wisdom and wellness over fears and ego. When you are maxed out because you are putting all of your energy into hustling and strategizing, you are A. going to be energetically depleted and B. never going to be in your highest vibration. Sometimes you have to hustle at the start of a career or during periods of your life to get by. It is an unfortunate aspect of our culture. HOWEVER, in order to truly thrive, it requires that you take at least an hour a week to zoom out and see possibilities beyond the hustle you are doing on the daily. If you don’t prioritize that time to zoom out, you will likely just continue to hustle forever and not see the other possibilities available to you - like tunnel vision. You never jump out of the cycle.

My daughter and I during our 5 week family vacation to Costa Rica - which would not have happened if I hadn't worked hard to release these beliefs!

Additionally, when we have to hustle, sometimes we internalize that we will have to hustle forever. And even when we no longer have to, we forget to update that in our systems and add unnecessary to-do list items without realizing how much we no longer have to hustle. Using the compass of our highest vibration, our wisdom, our intuition will take us to a much greater potential than sticking with this false belief system. You don’t have to hustle to make money. You can actually have a pretty spacious lifestyle and make tons of money AND still give back a lot of meaningful and important work to the world.

In fact, you can give so much more when you stop hustling, focus on expanding, make money for less effort because you have the extra time and money to give back. This is one the most recent beliefs I have been releasing and it is oh-so-good to let go of. I am now able to offer tons of free and low fee content, more coherently and have time to go to yoga and help out with my daughters school when I would like to.

5. My career is capped, I can only get so far with my income.

You are a creatrix. Just by being a woman, you are hard wired for creativity and spiritual connection. When women are most in their feminine power, they are magnetic creators - capable of creating something well beyond the norm and of attracting well beyond what they desire as humans.

You are not trapped by your career. You are trapped by your limited thinking. You don’t even have to start a side hustle. I can’t tell you the number of clients I have worked with that have done the work to release this belief that have magically stumbled upon a job that pays them well above what they ever expected to be paid, with a respectful management, that is recruiting them and no one else for a position. The thing is, if you believe you are capped by your career, you won’t look beyond to see what other possibilities are out there.

So what do you do with a limiting belief? How do you let them go?

The answers I will always give to this question are:

* Fiercely prioritize your healing and growth - it isn’t just about knowing how to do something, it is more about feeling confident to do so.

* Do embodiment work to break out of patterns and beliefs exponentially faster than just talking about them - I would say 1 year of embodiment work equaled about 8 years of talk therapy in my experience.

* Don’t compare yourself to other people - your journey is yours, focus relentlessly on your growth no matter what.

* Align your spending with your values and invest in your growth above everything else - is that pair of boots going to provide you with the confidence to pursue a better quality, higher paying job? How about that glass of wine?

You know there is more for you out there. Don’t be afraid to claim it. Send this to a girlfriend that deserves to claim a spectacular life.

Stay tuned, I have BIG news for you next week. BIG BIG NEWS! So excited to share this with you : )

As always, sending my love to you. Please comment, share, reply and give me feedback.


YOU ARE LOVE - heart led business, parenting and life


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