YOU ARE LOVE - heart led business, parenting and life

Do you remember when you were young, moments where your heart was so wide open, you loved everything and everyone?

Love Kim and son

my little guy and I touching into that wholehearted love. Photo by Kyla Fear Portraits

Do you recall a memory of you feeling love without constraint? Do you remember how it felt? Do you remember that warm, glowing, energetic openness?

We are hard wired to love wholeheartedly. YOU are hard wired to love wholeheartedly.

And somewhere along the line, we become guarded, disconnected, from the one thing that truly matters.

We get lost in trying to navigate this world. The complexity, the trauma, the finances, the relationships. We put layers of guard up against feeling the pain of others not loving us back. And we forget.

Yet, if I were to ask you right now, without all the history of your life, who would you be at your core - love would be a big part of the answer, no doubt. And love is true strength. Fully open-hearted vulnerable love is the hardest thing we can do in this life.

My own personal development process has been a revealing of my heart - disintegrating of the layers of guarding - remembering my essence. Finding my heart again so I can share it as fully as possible with my children. Finding love and compassion so I can relate to my family members and partner more. None of this other shit really matters.

My children remind me daily of those guards and my heart. When I am present, they remind me of what love can look like. And when I am not present, they show me what creating those guards looks like. My heart guards melt when I can slow down long enough to be with them, at their pace, in their magic.

I wish for my business to be a vehicle for love too. I work hard to emit love with every choice I make in my business. Love towards myself, my clients, my employees, everyone I connect with. And when I tap into love and lead from love, rather than strategy, finances or other people's shoulds, my business consistently thrives.

In order to do so, I keep working on me and letting the guard down, healing wounds so I no longer get triggered by other people’s projections and can sit in compassion with anyone sitting across from me. I dance the guard away, meditate to let it go, surrender it in song, release it with my paintbrush.

I let go of the urge to hustle to be accepted.

I release the need to pursue wealth.

I surrender all the shoulds.

I reject chaos.

And instead:

I simplify.

I stay present.

I lead with my heart.

I align my finances with my values.

Today I invite you to forget all the shoulds you have been taught about this world, release the complexity and remember what it is all really about.

What if you led from your heart instead, everyday?

What if you let go of even one layer of protection? Can you feel it softening and releasing right now?

What if you assumed everyone else is also suffering from guarded heart syndrome and forgive and have compassion for their struggles to openly show you their heart?

What if you led your career or business fully by love rather than success, income or achievements?

I write this because I know you feel this way too. We all desire connection to our hearts and love above all else. We are thwarted by survival needs and the oppressive complexity of this culture. And in order to reconnect to your heart and love, you must choose your heart as much as possible, whenever it is safe to do so.

The holidays are coming. I know deep down you desire to be seen and loved for every part of who you are. You want to open your heart and love your family and friends. Deep down you want to forgive, have compassion and just be connected.

I want to be very clear here. In order to love with your whole heart, you also must be appropriately boundaried with those in your lives that have caused harm, continue to cause harm and struggle with their unresolved trauma. And even though we must hold healthy boundaries, within those bounds, we must connect with our deepest desire to just love and be loved.

I hope you will remember your essence in the coming weeks and months as we connect to the most vulnerable relationships in our lives. That you will remember that YOU ARE LOVE. And putting all the BS aside, you are here to live that essence. Remember that sweet part inner child part of you that just wants to run around spreading love.

P.S. I have launched the Aligned, Powerful and Abundant Circle - a membership program for women looking to open up to their confidence and potential through embodiment and feminine divine power. I have made an intentional choice to offer this circle at a low fee in order to help you embody confidence no matter your circumstances - just $50/month. And this month, we are focusing on embodied boundaries for the holidays. Check it out here!

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