Decolonizing Thanksgiving

Today is a day to remember that we as Americans live on land stolen from the Native Americans. Until we truly start acknowledging this fact on the holiday we have deemed Thanksgiving day, we are continuing to perpetuate the pain this country causes to Indigenous communities and individuals.

Here are a few thoughts about this holiday:

* Consider your traditions this year and what you are celebrating.

* Redefine what this day means to you and your family.

* Look into the peoples that inhabited the land you are standing on and living on.

* Consider gratitude and repair - how can you help actively repair the pain our country and if you are a white person, how white people have caused harm to countless communities in this country and beyond (donate, volunteer, inform yourself, etc).

If you are an individual identifying as Indigenous, today we honor you and your ancestors.

Comments? Feedback? Connect with me at or comment below!


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