The Energy You Need to be Your Best Self


As my coaching work has naturally evolved and developed since I started my first cohort in 2019, I have come to greater and greater understanding and ability to name what it is really at the heart of the work I do.

At first, I was trying to create something more effective than what I could offer within the confines of the psychotherapy container. There is a time and place in every person’s life where psychotherapy is the appropriate space for healing and growth. And the regulations and ethical codes built around the field of psychotherapy make sense to keep the psychotherapy container safe and sacred.

And then at a certain point, when you have done one too many years of psychotherapy, with someone that is supposed to be an incredible clinician, yet you are no longer getting the results you desire, you start to need more. More accountability, more calling out of your blind spots, more goals oriented and future focused energy. Once you have internalized a sense of safety and built a foundation of trust within yourself, you start to want to expand.

What I have found in my own journey is that certain aspects of psychotherapy just don’t mesh well with the process of expanding beyond the box. I truly believe that you cannot learn how to expand into something new without having a guide that has done so and can teach you, body-to-body, how to trust that expansion, beyond the box you are living, is possible, safe and might just be more fantastic than the life you are already living.

So, in wanting to live outside the box, many therapists really cannot model in an embodied manner, because they are still following along in the confines of the box of psychotherapy.

My point being, I started coaching to create more effective and efficient change in the work that I was doing with my clients. And I had no idea that it would be so successful. I knew the methodology I was creating was what I had wished existed for me at 28, when I was in the deepest, darkest depths of my low self-worth, spending all my time and money on “amazing therapists” who were getting me nowhere (mind you, I was a therapist myself at this point). What I found was that the program I designed to support women in healing from the same pain I had struggled with was wildly powerful. Women were and continue to find their voices, leave toxic relationships, find healthy relationships with themselves and often with partners, learn to set boundaries, get better jobs with more respect, alignment and income, and on and on. I knew what I was doing was great. But I didn’t quite grasp, yet, the direction it was headed.


In the last few weeks, suddenly it dropped in. I knew it before, but I didn’t quite fully know it. Like that moment when suddenly you have clarity on something you have been working to figure for so long and then the clarity disappears and evades you for quite some time before re-establishing itself in your conscious psyche. Recently, it has really solidified - the deeper meaning of my work.

I knew my work exists to support women, not just to have a full and robust life, confidence and a life of freedom, but to reach their full potential. But what has become so much more clear recently is that it also exists to support women in reclaiming their energy in order to create change in this life and world.


Our planet and culture is devolving into destruction, on a climate level, on a personal level, on a connection level. We are at war with ourselves, one another and the earth.

And because our culture is one of oppression of the majority and freedom to only the few privileged folks, most of us are maxed the fuck out and the last thing we have time for is learning about, adjusting our behaviors or advocating for the change necessary for our planet and the human race to not self destruct in the coming generations.

We all know it, we can all feel the rising anxiety inside, that we push deep down in order to keep trying to survive in this wildly toxic culture of hustle, achieve, distract and cope. Yet, we just don’t have the energy to live in full integrity.


If you have read some of my last blogs, you know that I can genuinely say that I didn’t actually feel like I could be GENUINELY GENEROUS until I was making enough money and had created enough space in my life to heal from burnout, many many psychological wounds, had released the pattern of people pleasing and reassessed what I actually gave a shit about.

Therefore, I know that with healing and personal development work, we CAN free up the energy needed to GENUINELY learn, advocate and take action to make actual change that will support the earth and our community to be healthier and more connected.

Every person that is attracted to connect with me has a couple things in common - they are:

  • Badass women

  • with wildly high levels of integrity

  • that on some level know how powerful they are

  • but struggle to embody the power

  • because they struggle with the patterns of over-responsibility and people pleasing

  • and therefore have a hard time with their voice, boundaries and being seen

  • so they are exhausted, sad, feel disconnected and different and

  • need help unpacking it all so they can tap into their potential.

And we can’t wait any longer. We, us, our human race, have gotten so wildly distracted from what matters that we are in COMPLETE DENIAL of how badly we are destroying our planet and one another. Time is running out. We can’t keep leaving it on the next generation’s shoulders to clean up the mess we are making while we drink lattes, scroll instagram and try to make sure our kids are going to the right schools and after school activities.

Nothing matters more than your psychological expansion.

None of it will matter if the next generation is struggling to survive the ever-more-violent fires, hurricanes and other natural disasters. Not to mention the increasingly prejudiced and harmful politicians coming to power.


So, I am here, we are here, because we are the women that see past all the bullshit and know something needs to be done.

And in order to do it, you gotta get yourself right FIRST.

You need to sort out and connect with your:

  • Confidence - your ability to trust your sense of worth

  • Voice - your ability to assert your needs and opinions, to stand up for what is right

  • Power - to understand what you are really capable of

  • Alignment - to get connected to YOUR essence, let go of the shoulds, trust your truth and build a life that is out of the box and aligned for you

  • Energy - to let go of unnecessary energetic drains so that you can use your energy to expand and become the best version of yourself

  • Wellness - confront the truth about your self-destructive patterns and heal them

Once these pieces fall in place, THEN you will have the energy and confidence to make real change in the world. If you are reading this, I can affirmatively say you are meant to create positive impact in this lifetime.

You MUST invest the time, energy and resources into your personal healing and development ABOVE ALL ELSE so that you can create the stable foundation inside of you to create a life that allows space for learning, advocating, taking action to make the BIG BIG changes we need to in order to turn this ship in the right fucking direction.

I am proud to serve women that are ready to leave beyond toxic relationships with partners and careers, to stop overgiving, to start taking care of themselves, in order to start building the confidence inside of themselves to be UNSHAKABLE, clear in their truths and always in their voice and integrity.

Whatever concrete life steps you need to take right now to find your confidence, your voice, your truth - these are steps towards reclaiming your energy, stepping out of the expected and mediocre boxes, in order to create a spacious, healthy abundant life. So that you may truly care, be generous and fight for what is right.

I have reopened my Mastermind Program for a new cohort starting Jun 5, 2023. I am ready to invite in 15 incredible women to heal and grow so that they can create a badass abundant life and someday make some seriously incredible change in this world. If you are ready to do the work, or are even a little bit curious about it, complete this form for a free consultation to discuss your potential, what is getting in the way and how I can support you in finding your voice, confidence, abundance, freedom, passion and power. Or if you know someone that is ready for this work, please forward this email to them!

Comments? Feedback? Connect with me at!


Imposter Syndrome


Exercise, Antiracism & Environmental Conservation